Diagnosis and treatment at heyzahn in Obermenzing
Our treatment method
If infants have a shortened frenulum of the tongue or lip, this can cause lifelong limitations. That is why we offer treatment options with the CO² laser for infants, children and adults.
Procedure - Consultation appointment at heyzahn
During the doctor's visit, the parents will discuss their current nutritional situation. With infants, the main topic of discussion is breastfeeding and all the problems that come with it. With children or adults, the topic is nutrition (e.g. does eating always take a long time because the tongue is not flexible and cannot push the food back and forth well?) or sleep (mouth breathing? Snoring? Grinding your teeth?). The treating dentist or orthodontist will then examine the oral cavity to check the functions of the tongue or lip tie. If restrictions are identified, we will explain possible connections that may affect the patient's drinking, eating or sleeping. Medical advice will then be given.
This initial consultation is free for our patients!
Treatment of shortened tongue tie / lip tie
Before the treatment, the baby's medical history from the initial consultation is discussed again. To avoid pain at the surgical site, babies and small children are given an anesthetic gel. We use the state-of-the-art, super-pulsed CO² laser to cut the tongue tie. A tongue depressor is used to lift the tongue and ensure a clear view of the surgical site. The procedure only takes a few minutes. After the procedure, we take the babies straight to their mothers so that they can be breastfed. We document the treated areas photographically with before and after pictures and are happy to provide you with all the documents.
The most important thing when cutting the tongue tie is the aftercare! We will show you several exercises that we will teach you and that you should do at home with your baby. If you do this as we recommend, we will see ideal results and the tongue tie will remain mobile and lengthened. If the exercises are not done correctly, the tie can shorten again and appear shorter again due to the scar tissue that forms. This is why aftercare is all the more important! We are in close contact with you via videos and photos and are also happy to take time for further checks in our practice.
It is important to calm your child down and be patient, as the first attachment to the breast may take a little longer. The mobility of the tongue is still new to your child and it needs to get used to everything.
How do we cut the lip or tongue tie at heyzahn?
We work with a super-pulsed CO2 laser. We only need a small amount of anesthesia for this, as the treatment is gentle and painless. The babies are swaddled and have laser protection pads stuck to their eyes. The shortened band is anesthetized with local anesthetic gel; the head is stabilized and then the lip or tongue band is severed with the CO2 laser in about 4-6 seconds.
The baby feels pressure during the separation, comparable to a pinch in the skin. Approximately 3 hours after the separation, the baby is pain-free due to the laser effect. Afterwards, there may be slight wound pain. The baby can be breastfed immediately after the procedure.
Further advantages of the CO2 laser:
- Short treatment time: the lip and tongue tie is severed in just a few seconds
- Low temperature of 90 degrees in the tissue
- the laser “welds” nerve endings and vessels
- No or very low risk of bleeding
- This provides good surgical overview
- Wound surface is disinfected, sealed and painless
- Pain relief after separation for 3-4 hours
- Sealed wound surface facilitates active wound management for controlled wound healing
- Myofibroblasts and scarring reduced
- Reattachment risk reduced
- Minimally invasive, as removal of cells layer by cell layer
- Over- or under-therapy is prevented
heyzahn pediatric dentist
Dr. med. dent. Anna Wechsler
Ground floor
Verdistrasse 74, 81247 Munich
+49 89 97313969
heyzahn orthodontist
Dr. med. dent. Yvonne Ewen
Ground floor
Verdistrasse 74, 81247 Munich
+49 89 97313969
heylogo speech therapy
Franziska Jargon
2nd Floor
Verdistrasse 74, 81247 Munich